
Pedestrian Detection in the Wild: A Fault Tolerant Approach

Real-world challenges do occur from accidental situations that are not expected at the training phase. In this paper, we address a practical multispectral fusion issue as unexpected image contamination in day and night conditions.

KAIST Multispectral Recognition Dataset in Day and Night

Over all days, we successfully captured 50km sequences of synchronized multiple sensors at 25Hz using a fully aligned visible and thermal device, high resolution stereo visible cameras, and high accuracy GPS/IMU inertial navigation system.

Multispectral Pedestrian Detection Benchmark

Geometrically aligned RGB + Thermal images for pedestrian detection

Multispectral Recognition Dataset

Multi-sensor dataset for various computer vision tasks

Geometrical Calibration of Multispectral Calibration

We introduce a novel calibration pattern board for visible and thermal camera calibration.

Low-Cost Synchronization for Multispectral Cameras

We introduce a low-cost multicamera synchronization approach.

All-Day Visual Place Recognition: Benchmark Dataset and Baselines

We provide the first aligned visible/thermal all-day dataset, including various illumination conditions: day, night, sunset, and sunrise. With this dataset, we introduce multi-spectral loop-detector as a baseline.

Multispectral Pedestrian Detection: Benchmark Dataset and Baselines

We propose a multispectral pedestrian dataset which provides well aligned color-thermal image pairs, captured by beam splitter-based special hardware. With this dataset, we introduce multispectral ACF, which is an extension of aggregated channel features (ACF) to simultaneously handle color-thermal image pairs.